Virtual Valley: Farther Fields, Faster Yields - Simply Farming!

Virtual Valley: Farther Fields, Faster Yields - Simply Farming!

Virtual Valley: Farther Fields, Faster Yields - Simply Farming!

Virtual Valley: Farther Fields, Faster Yields - Simply Farming!


Farmer Designs


Farmer Designs


Farmer Designs


3 month


3 month


3 month

App Design



BentoVibe Framer Portfolio

👩‍🌾 Virtual Valley 2024: Farther Fields, Faster Yields - Simply Farming!

As part of the IoT trend in Smart Operations, Digital Fortress brings you a mile-sight management application with utilities designed for agriculture business owners: Virtual Valley.

  • LoRaWan x Helium network applications exceeding 20,000 kilometers

  • Convert technical drawings into colorful 2D models.

  • Use a broad collection of BLE devices to optimize power.

  • Support for pleasant colors in dark mode

  • Multitasking tab: quickly transition between regions

As we step into 2024, Virtual Valley - a Mobile app for farmers aspires to be a trusted ally for traditional businesses and ambitious individuals alike, promising a future teeming with possibilities.

App Design



BentoVibe Framer Portfolio

👩‍🌾 Virtual Valley 2024: Farther Fields, Faster Yields - Simply Farming!

As part of the IoT trend in Smart Operations, Digital Fortress brings you a mile-sight management application with utilities designed for agriculture business owners: Virtual Valley.

  • LoRaWan x Helium network applications exceeding 20,000 kilometers

  • Convert technical drawings into colorful 2D models.

  • Use a broad collection of BLE devices to optimize power.

  • Support for pleasant colors in dark mode

  • Multitasking tab: quickly transition between regions

As we step into 2024, Virtual Valley - a Mobile app for farmers aspires to be a trusted ally for traditional businesses and ambitious individuals alike, promising a future teeming with possibilities.

App Design



BentoVibe Framer Portfolio

👩‍🌾 Virtual Valley 2024: Farther Fields, Faster Yields - Simply Farming!

As part of the IoT trend in Smart Operations, Digital Fortress brings you a mile-sight management application with utilities designed for agriculture business owners: Virtual Valley.

  • LoRaWan x Helium network applications exceeding 20,000 kilometers

  • Convert technical drawings into colorful 2D models.

  • Use a broad collection of BLE devices to optimize power.

  • Support for pleasant colors in dark mode

  • Multitasking tab: quickly transition between regions

As we step into 2024, Virtual Valley - a Mobile app for farmers aspires to be a trusted ally for traditional businesses and ambitious individuals alike, promising a future teeming with possibilities.

App Design



BentoVibe Framer Portfolio

👩‍🌾 Virtual Valley 2024: Farther Fields, Faster Yields - Simply Farming!

As part of the IoT trend in Smart Operations, Digital Fortress brings you a mile-sight management application with utilities designed for agriculture business owners: Virtual Valley.

  • LoRaWan x Helium network applications exceeding 20,000 kilometers

  • Convert technical drawings into colorful 2D models.

  • Use a broad collection of BLE devices to optimize power.

  • Support for pleasant colors in dark mode

  • Multitasking tab: quickly transition between regions

As we step into 2024, Virtual Valley - a Mobile app for farmers aspires to be a trusted ally for traditional businesses and ambitious individuals alike, promising a future teeming with possibilities.

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